Embassy News

Save the Date: 27-28th of June, Embassy AGM 2015, in Leicester

Our AGM this year will be on the weekend of the 27th/28th June, in the city of Leicester.
Please see our Lanyrd page to let us know if you're coming!

Cycle path Leicester

Embassy response - Waterloo to Greenwich Quietway, Tower Bridge Junction

The plans for this junction are needlessly complicated, and involve pushing people cycling and walking into conflict.

Tower Bridge Road Quietway junction

Just the first step

Last week saw the approval of the high profile East-West and North-South Superhighway routes in London, along with upgrades to the dangerous Superhighway 2 and more.

The Embassy welcomes these advances. We have, since we formed just over four years ago, championed the need for radical step change in design, and political leadership to deliver truly safe cycling for everyone, and this is a major step towards those goals. However, there is so much more that needs to be done in London, and, just as importantly, across Britain.

Manchester's Oxford Road proposals fall short of 'Dutch' quality

Manchester's Oxford Road proposals involve reallocating roadspace to create cycle-specific infrastructure, protecting people cycling from motor traffic. This kind of approach is much needed on busy arterial urban roads like this one. The bus stops in particular appear to have been designed well, with clear design routing cycling behind the bus stops, with priority crossings for pedestrians.

An app for the easy application of cycle route audit tools

We've written recently about the potential value of new audit tools for assessing the quality of cycling routes, and networks - Transport for London's Cycling Level of Service, and the Welsh Active Travel Guidance's Cycling Route Au

The National Funeral for the Unknown Victim of Traffic Violence

This Sunday, the 16th of November, is the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims.

On Saturday 15th there will be a dignified protest in London against the UK's current motor-dominated system, taking place along Oxford Street, called the National Funeral for the Unknown Victim of Traffic Violence.

Embassy response to DfT 'Cycling Delivery Plan'

The words used in the opening sections of the Department for Transport's Cycling Delivery Plan are far too optimistic given the weak, inconsistent and varied measures that follow.


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