Embassy News

Embassy AGM 2016 - 16th/17th July, Cambridge

Our AGM this year will be on the weekend of the 16th/17th July, in the city of Cambridge.

Please see our Lanyrd page to let us know if you're coming!

Cycling Fallacies site going global!

Our myth-busting site, Cycling Fallacies, has inspired people across the world to translate it into their own language. It turns out that most of the tired old nonsense about cycling is universal!

Leeds-Bradford Cycle Superhighway Infrastructure Safari

This Saturday (9th July) we will be joining Leeds Cycling Campaign for a ride along the Leeds-Bradford Cycle Superhighway. 

This newly-opened route has hit the headlines. We'll be taking an objective look at its design - seeing the good and the bad bits, and suggesting improvements. 

Cycling Fallacies site now available in Portuguese

When we launched the myth-busting Cycling Fallacies site in May, we were hoping that it would reach beyond the UK, as many of the myths are prominent around the world.

We’ve had lots of volunteers offering to translate into many languages, and we’re pleased to announce that our first translation is now online!

Cycling Embassy Open Letter To Cycling Minister Over Comments On Barriers To Women Cycling

The Cycling Embassy of Great Britain notes with regret the uninformed comments made by Robert Goodwill MP at the All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group’s meeting on Monday on why women don’t currently cycle in large numbers in the UK. 

Robert Goodwill says he will consider KPIs but we need to know why women don't want to cycle to work. His wife says a helmet spoils her hair

‘Cycling Fallacies’ website launches today

The Cycling Embassy Of Great Britain has launched a handy ‘one stop shop’ to support campaigners for active travel and better towns and cities across the country - www.cyclingfallacies.com.

Cycling Fallacies Logo

Save the date - Embassy AGM, Cambridge, 16/17 July

We'll be in Cambridge for the AGM this year. 

Come and join us on 16th and 17th of July to doing some of our trademark infrastructure safaris, and talk mass cycling in the country's most cycled city. 

You can follow this Lanyrd link  - http://lanyrd.com/2016/ceogbagm/ - which will be updated in the next month as we add more details.

London cycle infrastructure safari, with Ranty Highwayman - 2nd April

Superhighway Embankment London

The Cycling Embassy of Great Britain will be joining the Ranty Highwayman on a cross-London Infrastructure Safari, on Saturday 2nd April.


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