Cycling for the Rest of Us

Cycling should be the simplest, easiest and most convenient way to get around in most places in the UK, and yet the reality is that it's not – the roads are busy, and feel unsafe or unpleasant to ride on, and what cycle paths there are seem to take the long way round, or run out just when you need them most.

The Dutch and the Danes have demonstrated that it is easy to provide safe, attractive and efficient routes for cycling, away from fast traffic, which anybody and everybody – men and women, old and young, and rich and poor – want to use.

We at the Cycling Embassy of Great Britain want to see an end to cycling being pushed to the margins; we want to see a network of direct, well-designed, separated cycle routes that are safe even for young children to use.

Why I joined the Cycling Embassy...

“As a keen cyclist and father to six children I want roads that I can feel safe to take my family out on without needing to always rely on the gas-guzzling family car! Making cycling safer could reduce numerous problems including congestion, public health (through both more exercise and fewer road accidents) and bring our cities and towns back to life.”
Join us!