Embassy News

Cycling Embassy of Great Britain publishes draft Design Principles for Mass Cycling for public comments

Cycle campaigners have today published a comprehensive guide to the design principles that would bring about mass cycling in the UK. The policy explains in clear terms what needs to be done to support long-term, sustained and high-quality provision for cycling, to rival the provision in Denmark and the Netherlands.

Investment, standards and auditing required - Embassy response to Autumn Statement

It's not entirely clear from the Autumn Statement just how much annual spending will be allocated to cycling over the course of this parliament. However, the signs are that it will be minimal, and certainly not enough to make a significant difference at a national level to enable mass cycling.

London Cycle Infrastructure Safaris, with Ranty Highwayman

Superhighway Embankment London

The Cycling Embassy of Great Britain will be joining the Ranty Highwayman on cross-London Infrastructure Safaris, on Saturday November 28th, and Sunday, December 13th.

Cycling Embassy response to Transport Committee Inquiry into road traffic law enforcement

The Cycling Embassy of Great Britain was founded in 2011 with the aim of disseminating best practice in well-designed and properly-implemented dedicated cycling infrastructure, to enable everyone to cycle. It is run by volunteers and funded entirely by donations. The Embassy has over 1,000 ‘ambassadors’ and is affiliated to a number of major national cycling campaigns.

Embassy response to Hackney Council's Wick Road consultation

Hackney is London’s leading cycling borough, with the highest levels of cycling of any borough, both for all trips, and for commuting.

With this in mind, and with the increasing national attention on London for cycling best practice, Hackney’s Wick Road scheme is extremely disappointing from a cycling perspective.

The Holmes Report into Shared Space

Today sees the publication of Lord Holmes' report into the effect of 'shared space' street redesigns on blind and partially-sighted people.

With this in mind, it's worth emphasising that many of the difficulties that these groups have with these layouts are shared – in slightly different ways – by people cycling, reflecting the way in which these environments often fall short of genuine inclusivity.

Disabled cyclists in England: imagery in policy and design

A new article from Kevin Hickman of Wheels for Wellbeing (who is also on the Cycling Embassy board) has been published in Urban Design and Planning, a journal of the Institution of Civil Engineers.

Kevin's paper looks at the imagery of cycling – specifically disabled cycling – and how it is represented in cycling policy and design guidance, containing an analysis of the imagery in recent documents.

Cycling Embassy AGM in Leicester, this weekend

This Saturday and Sunday the Cycling Embassy of Great Britain will be visiting the city of Leicester for our AGM.

Newarke Street track Leicester

Embassy response to Westminster's Cambridge Circus Consultation

Westminster's consultation on public realm changes to Cambridge Circus closes on Friday 8th May. A TfL Quietway runs through this junction. Our response to Westminster's proposed changes is below.


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