We've written recently about the potential value of new audit tools for assessing the quality of cycling routes, and networks - Transport for London's Cycling Level of Service, and the Welsh Active Travel Guidance's Cycling Route Audit Tool.
There are proposals to use the elements of these tools in a new user-friendly app, that allows a route to be assessed easily, without too much technical knowledge.
We will design a user friendly app/ website incorporating the Welsh Government Active Travel Audit Tools for Walking and Cycling (2 separate tools). The Audit Tools are based on a relatively straight forward traffic light system and in the first instance we would look at producing a simple version for use by those with no knowledge of the technicalities of infrastructure design.
The project team is composed of Gwenda Owen, Jo Sachs-Eldridge and Maria McGerty. The intention is to win a slice of £101,000 of funding from the GeoVation Challenge project, 'How Can We Enable People in Britain to Live in Better Places'.
You can vote for this app, and leave supportive comments, on the Geovation site.