*Disclaimer*: these are draft wiki pages that many people can edit. They are not in their final form and you should not assume that they represent official Cycling Embassy policy.
A brief summary of what is being claimed, variants of the claim, and the consequences of the claim. One short paragraph should suffice: further detail can go in the essay below.
Notable, influential, good quality or extreme examples of the claim. Again, keep it short.
The temperature is fine. Copenhagen is, on average, between London and Manchester/Glasgow in terms of temperature.
London has a lower average annual rainfall total than Copenhagen, Eindhoven and Amsterdam. (Amsterdam receives 40% more rainfall, per year). Manchester's annual rainfall total is comparable to Amsterdam.
The amount of wind is fine. Copenhagen and Eindhoven have slightly higher average windspeed than London, Manchester and Glasgow.
Some numbers. Over the last 10 years -
Source: Wolfram Alpha
Bulleted list of links to relevant blogs, books, etc, which cover the topic of the page. If the link is to reinforce one specific point being made, it would be better to use footnotes and references.