Q1: What are valid objections to a temporary road closure order?
a. Loss of access with no suitable alternative provided;
b. and???
Q2: Can a taxi rank be permantly relocated to the otherside of the street following works done under temporary road closure order or will an amended TRO need to be done as well?
Durham County Council commissioned JMP Consultants to produce a Sustainable Transport Strategy for Durham City.
At the Issues & Options stage, JMP identified the 1-way section of North Road as being a key route to make 2-way for cyclists as it will provide a safe access to the city centre via Framwellgate Bridge. When the report was released for consultation (closed on August 8th) it was still identified as key.
North Road: https://goo.gl/maps/7zZMPPqJZvC2
In the meantime DCC have said it isn't possible to improve it for cyclists as it is too important for bus & taxis and decided to press ahead with moving the taxi rank to the other side of the road (so passengerside is next to the footway) which will mean resurfacing & pavement works and have issued a notice to make an order for a temporary road closure on 22/9/2016.
We'd really like to try & delay the order/work until after the report is adopted, probably won't change anything but may make them account fully for their decision.