The Cycling Embassy of Great Britain is the first organisation to campaign specifically for better infrastructure based on the experiences of countries with high modal shares through proven success in its implementation of cycling facilities. Particularly as they have made all the mistakes for us as they developed since the 1970’s, and can now help us unlock many of the problems we experience in the UK due to traffic congestion from health to social exclusion.
All this obviously requires the golden egg that is political will. For this, cycling needs to show a united front and the Embassy is happy to support other cycle groups where we overlap and where appropriate. We will never be the venerable CTC or CycleNation, nor would we wish to be. They do what they do well and they have seen cycling in Britain through some dark times indeed.
It’s still very early days for us, but if we can all work together to create conditions for mass cycling in Britain, then the implications for all cycling groups, politicians and the whole country, whether cyclists or not, are very bright.
Above all we want to make riding a bike as easy as – riding a bike.