A Glasgow excursion - the Cycling Embassy AGM's first infrastructure safari

The weekend before last, the Embassy descended on Glasgow for our AGM. As part of the weekend's events, we were escorted around the city for our traditional Infrastructure Safaris, kindly organised by GoBike. A big thanks to them! 

Our first infrastructure safari - led by Andy Preece - started at the Glasgow Central station, and would take us on a potted tour of various parts of the city centre.

CEoGB AGM 2012 Agenda

Cycling Embassy of Great Britain
Publication date: 
May 2012

Agenda for AGM to take place in Bristol on 26th May 2012.


2012 AGM & Policy Bash - Bristol & Bath

The Cycling Embassy of Great Britain is very pleased to announce our first AGM and second Policy Bash in Bristol & Bath over the weekend 26th/27th May with 'Infrastructure Safaris' of both cities.

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