(Front matter: all TBD)
Page: 1
Text: Short manifesto excerpt
Image: Something strong and positive, but also needs to be 'normal' people.
Notes: First right hand page
Pages: 2/3
Text: "Great Britain does Great Cycling". We'll basically need to write this after the Olympics.
Image: Cavendish, Hoy, Pendleton, Houvenaghel, etc. Track, road, BMX pics which emphasise variety and ability.
Notes: This probably needs to go later - putting it in early draws us into the 'normal' cycling v. 'sports' cycle debate, which isn't what we're after. It's a good section to have later, because it has lots of positive images and associations, but we need to make clear that it's only a part of British cycling
Infographic could show number of medals, range of events, of bikes used, or how we've won more events in last few years.
Pages: 4/5/6/7
Text: "It's no exaggeration to say that people in Britain love to cycle. Time and agan, when given the opportunity, they come out in their thousands to enjoy roads cleared of motorised traffic, bringing their children, and even their pets.
"Once, getting on a bicycle was an obvious transport choice for Britons of all ages - in the same way that they now get in a car."
Image: Big ride / any closed road event with loads of people cycling
Notes: Infographic could show - no. on SkyRide v. number at a Premiership game. Ratios of people who usually cycle, v. those who are doing it specially - numbers which emphasise this is a new group of people we wouldn't otherwise see on these roads.
‘British entrepreneurs were among the first to realise the potential of the bicycle, from diamond-frame guy to [see ‘it’s all about the bike’], Britain has been home not only to people interested in the business of cycling, but vast numbers of people keen to get on their bikes, whether for practical reasons, or for leisure."
Graphic: bicycles sold over the years / %age of journeys completed by bike / journey length / size of bicycle industry / number of people employed, etc. Bicycles as %age of economy …
Pages: 8/9
Text: “Paint on the road is not infrastructure” (from http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/public/cyclesafety/article3393497.ece) "We believe that people choose to cycle when they feel safe to do so. Countries across Europe have shown that you can't have mass cycling without the infrastructure to support it..."
Image: http://pinterest.com/pin/112519690660287110/
Notes: Could be too early in the book to do this. Also, we presume that people don’t need the infrastructure issues explained. Not sure what an infographic for this might show. Perhaps money spent per person: UK / US / DK / NL
Pages: 10/11
Text: “Bicycles are good for your local economy: numerous studies show that shoppers arriving by bicycle spend less per visit, but visit more than enough to spend more overall. And a built environment for bicycles and pedestrians is more pleasant, too.”
Image: Someone with shopping on their bike, car-free shopping areas, ideally street-scene with bicycles and pedestrians sharing. (See Pinterest for some ideas.)
Notes: Requires sourcing. There was an architect’s project somewhere in London a while ago which did a really nice job of smartening up the street for pedestrians. Infographic: data around number of visits, value of visits, frequency, how far people travel, maybe pollution ("If 100 customers arrive by car, this is the pollution you'll get.")
Pages: 12/13/14/15/16/17
Text: Section title: Why don’t people cycle?
Pages: “It’s too scary”. “It’s too dangerous”. Other reasons? (I need to dress up to do so? Could be the comedy one …
Image: Pictures of people mixing it with HGVs, etc.
Notes: Seem to remember some data that British Cycling had. Infogr.: bike wheel showing reasons as percentages? Somehow contrast each stat with another: e.g. 'it's too scary' v. 'how many people die in cars each year.'
Need to find these studies – TfL and British Cycling have commissioned some. Infographic could look at the reasons people give, and somehow connect to useful stats. (For example, ‘it’s not safe’ v. actual data.) Leads to idea that the perception of not being safe is what we need to address, so maybe there are numbers around this.
“Survey after survey, across the UK, shows that many people are put off cycling because they perceive it to be dangerous. Worse still, these respondents, when they have families, won’t encourage their children to cycle, because they quite reasonably believe that, if the roads are dangerous for adults, they’re doubly so for children.
“And who would want to encourage a child of 8 to share a road with vehicles of up to 42 tons thundering along behind them? Our quixotic approach to safety rules that no-one may cycle on pavements which are not appropriately labelled as shared use, whether they’re 7, 27 or 77. Although the police almost never prosecute or fine children using pavements for cycling, why should we rely on the good will of police officers for what should be a basic right?”
Pages: 18/19/20/21
Text: Section title: “Starting them young”
‘In Britain x% of journeys to school are made by car, and yet on average children only live x metres from the school gate. In the Netherlands, x% of children go to school by bicycle.
Image: Uplifting picture/s of children on bikes. That one of the cycle car park from Mr. Hembrow. Parents taking children to school by bike.
Notes: There’s another school section later …
In the UK, the car is king when it comes to getting to school. Both because of generalised concerns around safety, and because so many parents need to then drive to work, because they believe this is their only viable transport option, we ensure that roads across the country become gridlocked morning and evening, every day during term time.
Infogr: are there any statistics on changes in journey time inside / outside school hours / term time? How children get to school. Maybe graphic of vehicles queuing at school gate, with size by transport mode?
Pages: 22/23/24/25/26/27
Text: Section title: “Everyone thinks it’s a good idea”
‘From the Prime Minister downwards, we think cycling is a good thing – isn’t it time we acted on it?’ Presuming we can find good quotes – especially via #cyclesafe – from lots of ‘important’ people, emphasising how they think cycling is a good thing. They can be vague quotes – point is to have them being positive about cycling.”
Image: Not sure at present. (Some of the people, certainly. Must be able to find a Camerononabike somewhere!)
Notes: Infogr. some kind of tag cloud around all the fancy words we here, that lead to little action?
Pages: TBD
Text: Cycling is good for you. Most people struggle to fit any form of exercise into their day. A half hour commute on a bicycle would given the average Briton five hours a week of exercise at a time when the country is getting fatter and fatter.
Image: US infographic about linking obesity and how people get around. See Pinterest. Would need to
Notes: It’s not a surprise that the incidence of health-related conditions like type [x] diabetes, obesity, and heart conditions can be directly linked to the decline in cycling in the UK. Countries where cycling is an integral part of day-to-day activities – where people use their bike to get from A to B – have significantly lower numbers with such conditions, as well as overall better figures for life expectancy and general health.
Pages: TBD
Text: “Britain has many beautiful public spaces, with endless opportunities to access them with bike-friendly infrastructure, or to use them to make cycling safer.”
Image: Some linkage with the LCC idea for Parliament Square? Cycle lane across the top of Trafalgar Square?
Pages: TBD
Text: ‘You don’t have to be a cyclist to use a bicycle’
Image: Show mobility users, children, shopping, plumbers, deliveries, etc.
Notes: Possibly controversial, but is there any link between pedalcabs and injuries and car-cabs and injuries? (Could somehow show that – perhaps – per journey, there’s fewer emissions, and there’s no change in safety.
Text: ‘Even motoring organisations think more cycling is a good thing’. AA quote (http://road.cc/content/news/57097-aa-president-results-times-survey-show-cyclists-believe-uks-roads-are-not-fit) and others.
Notes: Something around congestion, costs to nation, idling, etc. Sure AA could help us on this one.
Text: ‘Improving cycling levels could drastically improve the UK’s carbon footprint. Not only would we be reducing reliance on increasingly hard to extract fossil fuels, but we would be able to make much the same journeys, in the same frequency, with very little carbon cost or emission generation’
Image: (infographics about how much carbon journeys produce … Maybe show journey miles by car & carbon, v. same for bike. Show how many bikes you can get into a car sized space ...
Text: ‘In 1956, London got the Clean Air Act. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clean_Air_Act_1956) It followed the preventable deaths of thousands of Londoners. Now, up to 13,000 Britons a year die prematurely from exhaust-related emissions (http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2012/air-pollution-deaths-united-kingdom-0420.html). Getting more people on their bikes improves the life chances of anyone affected by pollution’
Image: (Someone cycling in smog, perhaps?)
Notes: Infogr: no. of deaths v. other causes; something showing air quality at key places (v. other towns or AMS)
Text: Across the UK, hundreds of schools are a stones’ throw away from roads with more than 10,000 vehicle movements per day. Many of these children are already driven to school because their parents worry for their safety. Now, as they run around in the playground, their lungs are working overtime to deal with the poor air quality they experience.
Image: Infographic? Pic of school by busy road? Resulting life expectancy;
Text: Town with the longest lived residents all have lower levels of traffic and better air quality (http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2012/apr/23/somerset-suffolk-top-life-expectancy-list), whilst the opposite is true of those where life expectancy is lowest
Notes: Infogr: what if we show life expectancy v. pollution rates, or similar?
Text: Women don’t like cycling: http://road.cc/content/news/57107-nine-ten-women-over-30-scared-take-part-outdoor-exercise-says-mental-health Other surveys about people being scared.
Text: We believe that, to get Britain cycling, good infrastructure must be provided, in the same way that good infrastructure did such a good job getting Britons into their cars and, in some of our bigger cities, onto public transport.
Good infrastructure: makes cycling a safe choice; makes it the obvious choice; provides a safer realm for both cycling and walking; discourages the attitude that the car is king of our urban spaces; enforces priority for vulnerable transport users over cars, and lorries.