A temporary (or unfinished) cycle path during road reconstruction works. Note the width and quality of the surface!
The cycle path is separated from the motor-carriageway by a dirt verge and flexible bollards (which are obscured by the people on bikes, but some can be seen on the far side of the road).
It's important for cycling to be accommodated during roadworks. We've previously shown good quality temporary infrastructure here.
Weg tot de Wetenschap, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
6 March, 2014 - 20:58
The streetview image shows
The streetview image shows the cycle path before the road reconstruction works started. I think that the current path is slightly wider than the original. Note that both are bi-directional paths, although in the old situation there was also a single direction path (in poor condition) on the other side.
(I used to cycle to work daily on this path before moving to London, good old times ;-)