This week's Good Facility is an example of how to design continuity for cycling and walking across a side road.
Both the footway and the cycleway here are continuous across the mouth of the junction, with no change in material, making priorities clear. In addition both are at a raised level above the main carriageway, meaning drivers have to negotiate a ramp to cross into the side road (and to join the main road). This slows drivers, as well as also reinforcing priority.
The cycleway is also set back one car length from the junction, meaning drivers can deal with the cycleway separately from the main road, both on entry and exit. In particular, they can queue at the main road while keeping the cycleway clear. Not many drivers will be using this side road; it only connects with a small number of houses on residential streets, by deliberate design, meaning the actual number of potential conflicts will be low.
Finally, only cycle traffic can cross the main road here, using the protected island in the middle of the road. All motor traffic must turn right coming out of this side road.