Stepped cycleways are a reasonable alternative to fully protected cycleways when space is tight. There is no physical protection or separation from the road, except for the height of the kerb at the edge of the cycleway itself.
This particular stepped cycleway in the Dutch city of Assen has a full height kerb between the road and the cycleway, and a 30cm strip separating the cycleway from the kerb, giving a reasonable degree of separation from motor vehicles, despite the proximity to the road.
The surface of the cycleway remains flat and continuous across minor entrances, as can be seen in the photograph. Motor vehicles have to drive up and over a sharp ramp kerb, that is built into the strip at the edge of the cycleway.
David Hembrow
29 April, 2016 - 16:51
Minor comment, but the strip
Minor comment, but the strip between the cycle-path and road is actually 50 cm (1/2 m) wide. This is a good cycle-path, pleasant to use but not really the best in the city. It is saved in large part because there is no parking alongside the cycle-path and few places where drivers turn right across the path. These two things reduce the potential for conflict. If there was on-road parking along here or busy side-roads then this layout wouldn't work so well.