This week we are featuring something slightly different. A subtle, yet important, form of designing for cycling.
We often hear how little of the Dutch road network has physical segregation for cycling alongside it. But that doesn't mean that the rest of the network is unsuitable for cycling. Far from it - roads without physical segregation in the Netherlands have other measures to keep cycling separated from motor traffic.
This country road near Utrecht is attractive for cycling because motor traffic has been almost entirely removed from it. The sign prohibits motor vehicles, 'except for residents'. Meaning it is safe and attractive for cycling, for all.
[The location is not available on Streetview, for obvious reasons - non-residential motor traffic (including Google camera cars) is not allowed! But it is Rhijnauwenselaan, an important route from the village of Bunnik into Utrecht.]
Paul Cooke
27 March, 2014 - 08:31
streetview camera tricycles exist
Google do have camera tricycles. Do an image search for "street view camera tricycles" and you'll see there really is no excuse now.
10 December, 2014 - 14:32
This reminds me of a