Nothing hugely wrong with that John, but it ignores the elephant in the room that building a functioning network across a whole county by 2025 won't happen. Huge danger you end up with schemes scattered across the county which achieve little. Really you need to pick a few towns where there is political appetite and some of the ingredients are already there (e.g. A bypass and ped/cycle friendly town centre) and then go at it over several years to create a functioning network).
for new developments you probably need a planning document that has some teeth, e.g. A walking / cycling SPD. Relying on pointing developers to half decent guidance might not do it.
Nothing hugely wrong with that John, but it ignores the elephant in the room that building a functioning network across a whole county by 2025 won't happen. Huge danger you end up with schemes scattered across the county which achieve little. Really you need to pick a few towns where there is political appetite and some of the ingredients are already there (e.g. A bypass and ped/cycle friendly town centre) and then go at it over several years to create a functioning network).
for new developments you probably need a planning document that has some teeth, e.g. A walking / cycling SPD. Relying on pointing developers to half decent guidance might not do it.
Nothing hugely wrong with that John, but it ignores the elephant in the room that building a functioning network across a whole county by 2025 won't happen. Huge danger you end up with schemes scattered across the county which achieve little. Really you need to pick a few towns where there is political appetite and some of the ingredients are already there (e.g. A bypass and ped/cycle friendly town centre) and then go at it over several years to create a functioning network).
for new developments you probably need a planning document that has some teeth, e.g. A walking / cycling SPD. Relying on pointing developers to half decent guidance might not do it.
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