I am after some views on a concept that a local council has shown. The design I have seen is for a specific area, but the plans are currently not public and cannot be shared.
The idea that has been shown is having a roundabout that is just for cyclists. The area were it will be used is expected to have a high number of users (by local standards).
As I cannot show the plans, I have crudely drawn an diagram that loosely shows how the junction will work (bottom), and my interpretation of how the cycle paths meet without the roundabout (top). The drawing is avaialble here https://www.flickr.com/photos/esde84/16203157706/
Some notes, the left and right sides of the cycle path (in the drawing) would continue as fully seprated paths for a long distance. The Two way path at the top, joins a cul-de-sac road with very low motor traffic volumes. The one way paths at the botom would cross a road (with cyclists having priority as the plans currently stand) before providing seperated paths along a one way road.
My current feelings for the roundabout design is that it may be over the top for what is needed, but if implemented well, it would simplify the interaction between cyclists through the junction.
Where cycle paths meet in the Netherlands, it seems common for a more laid back appoach where cyclists negotiate their way through, as discussed here https://bicycledutch.wordpress.com/2014/11/20/can-there-ever-be-too-many-people-cycling/. Due to this, this makes me feel that the roundabout for what is locally a high number number of cyclists is too much.
However with me trying to think along the lines of sustainable safety, simplifying how a user interacts at the junction, makes it less likely for collisions at the junction as the users only have to think about other users coming from their right, rather than considering every direction and possible movement.
Is anybody aware of any examples of cycle only roundabouts (google map links, blog posts, etc.), that I could look at to help gain a greater understanding of whether this is a good idea or not? Does anybody have any particluar views on this, that could help me form a more considered opinion?
Thank you,