I'm thinking something like this: http://i.imgur.com/Rn81hs7.png
Kinda Dutch approach, within UK regulations that don't currently allow cycle-specific lights. You have motor vehicle phases with red men, then everyone walking/cycling gets green at once, standard toucan arrangement.
This kind of arrangement ought to help with a number of potential issues with segregated junctions:
- Dropped and lowered kerbs don't force pedestrians to step over a kerb between a cycleway and a road
- Cycles turning right can do so in one phase, assuming it is long enough...
- Cycles turning right cross both roadways without having to stop for any zebras
- ...a long phase also helps slow pedestrians
- No need to change motor vehicle turning lanes, any lane layout works
- Simultaneous phase for cycles and pedestrians can help motor vehicle capacity (even if that is not our priority, many politicians/councils will care about this)
- Cycles cannot see the traffic lights for motor vehicles
- The common pedestrian green man with beeping sound can remain, helping blind and partially sighted pedestrians
- As a bonus, cycles can turn left at any time (a "free left")