Manchester's Velocity bid

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Manchester's Velocity bid

What do we think?

From the bid 


  • Deliver 56km of largely segregated cycle route across Greater Manchester 
  • Generate 26,800 new cycle trips per day on these routes 
  • Improve the health and wellbeing to the value of £7.3m per year
  • Provide business financial savings by reducing absenteeism of 1,000 days per year 
  • Remove 1.7m traffic kms per year from Greater Manchester’s roads reducing congestion and accidents.

Some details here

Anyone had a look at it in detail?


It is rather more ambitious than Edinburgh, which was the first city in the UK to sign the Charter of Brussels and commit 6% of it’s transport budget to cycling. Lets hope that Manchester inspires other cities to action.

This is Newcastle's if you are interested: I'll confess to having a very big hand in it (including buying in the rights to the bikeyface cartoons). Our take on this was that winning cities will have 20 months to deliver infrastructure, so no, delivering 56km is not feasible even if designs and consultation are very advanced (which I don't think either Manchester or Newcastle are). For that reason around 20% of newcastle's activity is DIY Streets home zone type permiability changes in the suburbs, near schools and shopping areas. Personally I think this is a more honest bid, there's around 10km of arterial route construction, any more than that would not get delivered on time. The devil is going to be in the detail whoever wins, impossible to tell from the bids which cities really have the political will to build decent stuff.

to have a look at the Newcastle bid at the AGM (if you're coming?) - get an idea of the sort of thing that can realistically be asked for, what are the compromises etc. Interesting that it's so short a period of time which does militate against segregated routes

AKA TownMouse

Yes see you in June, have warned the toon that the cegb are coming, order in extra ale, lock up your sons and daughters etc.

AKA TownMouse


which seems to have been sneaked out without much fanfare


AKA TownMouse


AKA TownMouse

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