Embassy News

Cycling Embassy objects to increased speed limits for HGVs

The Cycling Embassy of Great Britain has responded to the Department for Transport's consultation, strongly rejecting its proposal to increase the speed limits for HGVs over 7.5 tonnes on single carriageway roads. The Department for Transport had argued that this would increase safety by reducing 'platooning' whereby lorries bunch up on single carriageway roads, making drivers of faster vehicles take risks in overtaking them.

'Get Britain Cycling' Inquiry - First Session

The first session of the All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group's 'Get Britain Cycling' inquiry heard evidence today from eleven different witnesses, on the subject of cycling strategy.

Submission to Transport Committee Inquiry on disabled access to transport

The Cycling Embassy has submitted evidence to the Transport Committee Inquiry on legislation relating to transport for disabled people. Our submission can be read here [pdf]. 

Transport for London abandons 'shared use' pavements at Lambeth Bridge North; trials Dutch-style track

Transport for London has announced today that it is no longer proceeding with its intended safety improvements at the Lambeth Bridge (North) roundabout. Their plans, which involved converting the pavements around the roundabout to 'shared use' and allowing cyclists to use the existing zebra crossings, while making slight alterations to the carriageway, were almost unanimously opposed by respondents to the consultation.

All Party Cycling Group Inquiry - Embassy response

The Cycling Embassy of Great Britain has responded to the All Party Parliamentary Group's call for evidence into  how to 'Get Britain Cycling', which closes today.

Christmas Auction: Cambridge Raincoat


Response to the consulation on safety improvements at the Battersea Park Road/Havelock Terrace junction

We write in response to the consultation on safety improvements at the Battersea Park Road and Havelock Terrace junction, part of Transport for London’s process of junction reviews.

£20 million for cycling; meanwhile NICE urges action to make cycling and walking the norm for short trips

Transport Minister Norman Baker today announced an additional £20 million funding for cycling infrastructure across England, to go with £15 million (matched by £15 million from local councils) announced by the Department of Transport earlier in the year.

Shedding Light on Pavement Cycling on Radio Solent

BBC Radio Solent will be tackling the thorny issue of pavement cycling tomorrow morning in light of the recent clampdown by Hampshire police. The Embassy's chairman, Jim Davis will be on air to discuss a problem which can cause conflict between cyclists and pedestrians. 

As Jim says,


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