Westminster's consultation on public realm changes to Cambridge Circus closes on Friday 8th May. A TfL Quietway runs through this junction. Our response to Westminster's proposed changes is below.
The entrance to Moor Street must not be closed to cycle traffic. This should be a cycle-only access point, distinct from the footway, but easily traversible on foot. It could even be blended into the public realm, as in the example below.
If necessary, an (informal) zebra crossing could be provided to give pedestrians priority across this cycle route. Providing this access point for cycling means a more direct route, as well as removing the need to cycle on Charing Cross Road.
More generally, motor traffic levels on Charing Cross Road are too high for safe or attractive cycling mixed in with motor traffic. Cycling should be physically separated on this road. If physical separation is not going to be provided, the Quietway should take an alternative route. In fact the obvious routing for the Quietway is along West Street, across the junction, into a cycle entry into Moor Street.The crossing of Cambridge Circus could run in parallel (but separate from) the pedestrian crossings at the junction. This arrangement would have several benefits -