This week's Good Facility is another unglamorous but very useful piece of cycling infrastructure - a road in a semi-rural area in Switzerland on which general motor traffic is banned.
This week's Good Facility is an underpass - where a cycle path and footway passes under the four lane ring road skirting the Dutch New Town of Zoetermeer.
This week's Good Facility (picture courtesy of Jaap Eldering) is another mundane piece of Dutch cycling infrastructure - a 4m wide bi-directional cycle path through new development (still under con
This week's Good Facility of the Week is the Dutch version of 'cycle proofing', on a grand scale - a bicycle (and pedestrian) underpass of a slip lane off the A12 motorway near the city of Gouda.
This cycle path in Delft is a bicycle-only 'road', forming a direct connection along the side of a canal. The T-junction at the end of the ramp leads directly into the city centre.