The Sheffield Cycling Inquiry

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The Sheffield Cycling Inquiry


I thought I'd post about the Sheffield Cycling Inquiry here.

CycleSheffield asked the council to try and mirror the Get Britain Cycling inquiry locally to see what we could come up with. One of the scrutiny comittees too it on and a final report has been written.

I'm a bit dissapointed with it to be honest, they've got the vision correct (copied liberally from the national report) but I think the recomendations will never deliver it! I don't think that there is any substance or real commitment in the recomendations.

What do you think?

The cabinet member responsible for transport has got a copy and has been asked to respond.

Some links...

The council webpage on it is here:

The final report with recomendations is here

Council represations are here:

With a report from the council on what they've done in the last 5 years here:

(note that they openly say they don't know/don't meet LTN2/08!)

A summary of oral evidence here:

Written evidence summary here:

Katsdekker's picture

The targets aren't exactly ambitious, but that aside... What exactly are the recommendations? The report is a bit mangled I think.

Katsdekker's picture

The targets aren't exactly ambitious, but that aside... What exactly are the recommendations? The report is a bit mangled I think.

Katsdekker's picture

The targets aren't exactly ambitious, but that aside... what exactly are the recommendations? The report is a bit mangled I think.


So, here are the 19 recomendations

  1. That Sheffield City Council appoints a councillor to be a ‘Cycling Champion’ by June 2014.
  2. The Council works with the Sheffield City Region to ensure there are coherent plans in place to develop and support cycling by June 2015.
  3. Align funding streams with the NHS through the Health and Well Being board to maximise the health benefits that can be achieved through cycling.
  4. The Council builds on best practice in working with a range of partners, including voluntary sector cycling groups.
  5. The Council works with the City’s MPs to support them to lobby government for key improvements.
  6. That as part of a Cycling Plan the Council takes a joined up and systematic approach to exploiting the opportunities to improve cycling across all areas of Council activity.
  7. Sheffield should have a long-term strategic plan for a coherent and comprehensive cycling network in place by June 2015.
  8. Identifying ways of improving the promotion and advertisement of the cycle network by June 2015.
  9. Within the next three years the cycle and public transport networks should be combined as a single network with ‘hubs’ developed at strategic locations and existing hubs improved.
  10. That the Sheffield City Region Authority and public transport operators identify opportunities and commit to undertake pilo t schemes within the next 12 months, with priority be given to trials on the Supertram network.
  11. That the Council undertake cycling and walking audits for all development proposals and for all changes to highways and to public spaces.
  12. For the next year Sheffield must maintain its programme of cycle training so that in the short term at least the current numbers of adults and children receive training each year. Over the next three years in addition the Council and its partners should look to extend the cycle training to train increasing numbers of adults and children year-on-year.
  13. These training opportunities need to be joined-up. Improved communication needs to be in place within the next year so that training can lead to broadening participation amongst all Sheffielders, whatever their age, gender or ethnicity.
  14. That revenue funding needs to be a part of any funding bids. Where this is not possible the Council should press the case to enable this.
  15. The Council should take steps to encourage its contractors to provide practical cycle awareness training for their drivers. Within three years this requirement for this training should be built in to the procurement process, starting with HGV drivers.
  16. Organisations in the Sheffield Bus Partnership should include cycle awareness training into all commercial and tendered routes.
  17. The Council should lobby government to ensure local agencies, including South Yorkshire Police have the powers and resources to improve road safety.
  18. The Council makes full use of the opportunity the Tour de France presents.
  19. The Council improves the promotion of cycle tourism in and around Sheffield, including, for example, working with other local authorities, the Peak District National Park, Sustrans and hotels.

point 7 might be a reasonable pressure point. You could undoubtedly make a nuisance of yourself asking for the outcomes of point 11. 14 is probably realistic, but might be a block to progress. The rest seem a bit vague...

AKA TownMouse


Bear in mind that a scrutiny report is meaningless unless/until it is accepted by the council's executive and becomes council policy. If you got point 11 in the LDF you could get planning permissions JRed if the council failed to follow it, but it's unlikely they'd let it in in that form.






AKA TownMouse


judicial review?


Judicially reviewed

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