I thought it would be handy to keep all those consultation in one place to let people know what's going on locally they might want to respond to.
Please add any you know about to the thread and any responses you think might be relevant
I thought it would be handy to keep all those consultation in one place to let people know what's going on locally they might want to respond to.
Please add any you know about to the thread and any responses you think might be relevant
City of York's cycling strategy - comments by 7th Septempber
(road.cc article)
Brighton & Hove are consulting on becoming a 'city of 20' - closing date for comments is 10th August
Twickenham Action plan - which includes removing some cycle lanes) - more details here http://www.richmondlcc.co.uk/2012/07/25/twickenham-street-scene-and-highways-scheme-consultation/
Closing date 31st August
is on his blog here http://peoplesfrontofrichmond.wordpress.com/2012/08/30/twickenham-action-plan-response/ - today's the last chance to get comments in
There was an open meeting on barriers to cycling last month - here's the summary and the transcript
BTW the Embassy also made a written submission which is here http://www.cycling-embassy.org.uk/sites/cycling-embassy.org.uk/files/Cyc...
Rachel Aldred (Cycling and Society) emails:
I just wanted to check interested people are aware of the second GLA cycling investigation meeting on 11th September @10-12, City Hall. It’s not focused on questions from members of the public, unlike the first one, but I think as a Transport Committee meeting, it’s still open to the public. (I’ve been asked to be on the ‘expert panel’ alongside reps of the Dutch cycling embassy, Copenhagen City council (probably), Freight Transport Association and TfL.)
This is the annual list your top three priorities for policing in London survey:
Exactly the same as the past few years -- the last two years at least did the rounds on the twitters and blogosphere. Can't see a huge result from it so far. But the structure of political oversight of policing in London has been tinkered with this year, so, we'll see...
The association of chief police officers is calling on the public to help shape police policy involving road death investigations - this is basically a review of the Road Death Investigation Manual
More details here http://www.govtoday.co.uk/home-affairs/50-police-emergency/12195-public-invited-to-contribute-to-police-road-death-policy although I can't actually see a link to how to comment or when the deadline is...
I've started a wiki page keeping track of our responses to consultation exercises http://www.cycling-embassy.org.uk/wiki/consultation-responses - hopefully this should help us shape future responses more quickly
West Sussex County Council is consulting on local support for a 20mph zone in Chichester http://www.westsussex.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=34311
Closing Date 24th September 2012
is inviting submissions on the future of the West End in London http://www.westendcommission.com/Home_Page.html - certainly an area that could easily be much better for cycling. Written submissions by 1st October - more details here
Consultation ends on the 18th September http://www.dft.gov.uk/consultations/dft-2012-24/
Some useful suggestions for possible comments on the CycleNation site http://cyclenation.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/east-coast-consultation-ends-18th-sept.html
It's also worth noting that the EastCoast website is one of the few that allows you to book your bike onto any train service with a minimum of fuss - worth pointing out that whoever takes over *any* rail franchise should follow suit!
Chiltern and South Eastern, Southern all do as well now, even if you aren't travelling on their services. Worth flagging with the DfT though!
Unfortunately the next lot of trains will probably have much less bicycle space - already decided as DfT specified and procured...
Northern Ireland Greenways reports on a proposal to allow taxis into Belfast's bus lanes http://nigreenways.wordpress.com/2012/09/05/taxis-in-bus-lanes-a-backward-step-for-cycling/
Any cyclist who uses Belfast's bus lanes is urged to respond by the 21st September
TfL are consulting on their new Road Safety Action Plan 2020 https://consultations.tfl.gov.uk/roads/road-safety-plan - consultation ends October 31st. There's also an online survey you can fill in
Drawing Rings has blogged about it here & will be following up in more detail.
The Crown Prosecution Service is consulting on new guidance and policy for charging officences resulting from Driving incidents
More details http://www.cps.gov.uk/consultations/draft_driving_2012_consultation_index.html
Consultation closes 8th November 2012
The Embassy didn't get to this one, but Dr Rachel Aldred has responded here http://rachelaldred.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/draft_driving_2012_consultation_response_aldred.pdf
Details here...
Email responses by 5th October, please help :)
Do you want input from us / resources, or just spreading the word? (already done the latter, anyway)
Consultation page is here https://consultations.southglos.gov.uk/consult.ti/Filton_Roundabout/consultationHome
Deadline is 29th October.
"The City of London is developing enhancement strategies for Bank, Fenchurch and Monument, Liverpool Street and West Smithfield, to improve the streets and public spaces in these areas"
consultation ends 15th November
Edited to add: Here's cyclists in the city's take on it http://cyclelondoncity.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/city-of-london-proposes-to-encourage.html
Northamptonshire council is aiming to make cycling the 'mode of choice' for journeys under 5 miles in an ambitious sounding plan. The county and various town strategies are here: http://www.northamptonshire.gov.uk/en/councilservices/Transport/TP/Pages/NTP-Town-Transport-Strategies.aspx
road.cc have covered it here with a summary: http://road.cc/content/news/68854-northamptonshire-county-council-consults-multimillion-pound-cycling-strategy
Consultation ends 19th October
Update: the strategy itself is here (took a bit of digging...) http://www.northamptonshire.gov.uk/en/councilservices/Transport/TP/Documents/PDF%20Documents/Cycling%20Strategy%20Consultation%20Draft.pdf
TfL are planning improvements to the A24 between Morden and Lower Morden lane. Improvements include upgrading of an advisory cycle lane to a mandatory one, widening it 'where there is space', parking reductions and some shared use footpaths.
Details here https://consultations.tfl.gov.uk/betterjunctions/a24-london-road
Consultation closes 9th of November (but don't expect your input to have much impact as work starts on the 19th ...)
Indeed - the amount of time between the end of the consultation and the work starting is indicative of the amount of attention that TfL are going to pay to any responses.
I can't keep up with all the TfL consultations - they're all here though https://www.tfl.gov.uk/corporate/projectsandschemes/22780.aspx
The Waterloo roundabout one is particularly feeble
Details are at...
Consultation is open from 22nd October 2012 until 25th January 2013.
Another TfL junction review https://consultations.tfl.gov.uk/betterjunctions/battersea-park Consultation closes 30th November, for a December start
A proposal to increase car parking in the centre of Carlisle - consultation ends 12th November. Details here http://www.opinionsuite.com/cumbria/cumbria-county-council/environment/http-www-opinionsuite-com-cumbria-cumbria-county
From Cycle Carlisle:
The County Council is currently running a consultation on city centre parking, and recent reports in the press reveal that they want to increase parking in the city centre despite the fact that the city’s car parks are under utilised and the city centre environment would benefit from less traffic driving into it, and instead have more people walking and cycling.
Four years ago there were plans to remove all disc parking in the “Historic Core,” and improve the provision for cycling. These plans were shelved in order to retain parking, and now the County wants even more parking spaces at the cost of safe and convenient walking and cycling routes.
This is potentially a biggie: http://www.dft.gov.uk/consultations/dft-2012-34/
The proposal is to increase the speed limits for large HGVs to 45 or 50 mph on single carriageway roads. Consultation ends 1st February 2013
It is worth noting that over 70% of lorries currently break this speed limit, indeed nearly 20% are already breaking the higher proposed new limit (see http://assets.dft.gov.uk/statistics/tables/spe0103.xls rows 39-56).
True - though putting limits up may just cause them to speed up further.
(and after all, if you believe the tabloid press, cyclists aren't to get any cycle paths until they stop running red lights and wear helmets, so why should speeding motorists be given higher speed limits?)
It is possible that they may speed up a little. However given that their average speed is only 3 or 4 mph slower than cars, which already have a 60 mph limit, there isn't a lot of scope for that. There is clearly no enforcement of the existing limits.
It is important to make a distinction between the different types of "single carriageway roads". I don't think that increasing the speed limit for typical A-roads is going to make a significant difference. However the increasing the limit on unclassified roads would be much more worrying. These are roads that desparately need the speed limit to be reduced.
If the speed-limit for lorries on A-roads was increased to 50 mph, and the limit for all vehicle on unclassified roads was simultaneously reduced to 40mph, I would see that as a significant gain.
I think that would only work if the A roads also had separate tracks for cyclists. At 50mph a large HGV is a very dangerous thing to be around - I wouldn't want one going past me at that speed unless I was well away from the road. Also not all A-roads are created equal - some (especially in Scotland) are quite narrow (even single tracked). However, I totally agree about lowering speed limits (for everything) on unclassified roads.
Croydon is consulting on proposals to improve pedestrian access from East Croydon station to the town centre. You can see the proposals and find out how to comment here http://www.croydon.gov.uk/democracy/consultations/lansdowne-dingwellconsultation
Consultation ends 30th November
Is the British Cycling Embassy going to make a formal response to the All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group's call for evidence (http://allpartycycling.org/inquiry/)? Closing date is 5 December.
If you've any suggestions as to what to add, feel free to chip in here, or start a new thread! Links to evidence especially welcome
Edinburgh Council is surveying on the Leith Improvement programme, and particularly its proposals for Leith Walk, Constitution Place and Picardy Place http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/info/20056/city_centre_and_leith_neighbourho...
There is an online survey to complete and it's open to anyone
Leith Walk has had a chequered history in the past few months, with the disruption from the tram works offering an opportunity to create segregated cycle lanes - a suggestion which was popular among residents, but which has been repeatedly turned down. It now looks as though a small amount of segregation has been incorporated into the two roundabouts at the top as well as cycle lanes within the roundabouts themselves (the PDF can be downloaded here http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/downloads/file/9109/picardy_place_and_london...) - sadly in places the footway has been narrowed to make space for the segregated cycle track.
For a little more background on the Leith Walk story see http://pedalonparliament.org/leith-walk-consultation-next-week/ and http://www.greenerleith.org/greener-leith-news/2012/11/16/safe-leith-wal...
Surrey county council are consulting on changes to the road network in Redhill http://www.reigate-banstead.gov.uk/council_and_democracy/our_borough/get...
Not looked at it in detail yet but it's a bit worrying that the reasons for the changes are given as:
This suggest that primarily it's about increasing traffic throughput through the town.
for once, I think this one may mostly meet with approval!
This road already has a (two way) segregated track - the proposal is to narrow the road further, and put in a segregated single way track on each side. However, as ever with these things the devil is in the detail so some of the more technically minded may want to comment
See as easy as riding a bike's response to this one here http://aseasyasridingabike.wordpress.com/2013/01/09/could-this-be-the-be...
It should be noted that the justification for this scheme is the very poor safety record (particularly for cyclists) of the existing 2-way segregated cycle track. Perhaps those that have promoted this particular stretch of infrastructure in the past as an example of good practice should consider whether those warning of the danger this sort of thing causes at junctions might have a point.
I would have thought the Dutch approach to this street would be to block it off to through motor traffic.
The ever-resourceful Mark Treasure has started adding major consultation deadlines to the calendar http://www.cycling-embassy.org.uk/calendar - an easier way of keeping track of what's coming up
Am I the only one who can't see any updates on the Calender ?