Good afternoon everyone, just signed up and thought I'd give a quick hello before I leave for home!
My name is Steve and I have been cycling for as long as I can remember with little breaks here and there, in the summer of last year I qualified as a British cycling ride leader for the GoSkyRide program, I am also a ride leader for a local NHS initiative in the Medway Towns (Kent).
I'm an avid cross country cyclist, but often crave the speed a lovely flat tarmac can bring! I have a fairly good working relationship with the public right of ways office in my local area and if anything I have become a bit of a "finder" of work for their volunteer teams.
Since I have been leading more road rides in my local area I have also become more interested in the rights cyclists have (or lack) and the facilities provided for us to ensure our rides are safe, fun and accessible to all!
So, if anyone has any questions for me, please drop me a line, on here, or find me on twitter under the same user name.
Happy Cycling,