This week's Good Cycling Facility is a low motor traffic street in the centre of the Dutch town of Veenendaal.
This week's Good Cycling Facility is an underpass, or 'underbridge', on the Rijnwaalpad cycle route between Nijmegen and Arnhem.
This week's Good Cycling Facility is a rural road that has effectively been 'severed' to remove through motor traffic, while a smooth cycle path has been retained.
This week's Good Cycling Facility is a cycleway with clear priority across a side road in the Dutch city of Den Haag.
This week's Good Cycling Facility is a cycling underpass of a relatively minor road on the outskirts of Delft.
This week's Good Cycling Facility is a temporary protected bike lane in the Dutch city of 's-Hertogenbosch.
This week's Good Cycling Facility is a wide bi-directional cycleway in the suburbs of the Dutch city of Nijmegen.
This week's Good Cycling Facility is a cycle path in the Utrecht suburb of Lunetten.
This week's Good Cycling Facility is the underground cycle parking garage at Rotterdam Centraal station in the Netherlands.
This week's Good Cycling Facility is a rural cycle path on the outskirts of the Dutch city of Zwolle.