CEoGB Blog

The Great Big [REDACTED] Opening Weekend Round-up

It's actually been a something of a quiet week in blogging terms. In the wake of last week's Tour de France win, this week has seen lots of talk of what it might mean for transport cycling in the UK. Dave Horton uses it as a platform to take a closer look at those other cycling heroes; pavement cyclists.

The Great Big Sideburns-sporting Yellow-Jersey'd Bike Blog Roundup

Ahem. As the rest of the country suddenly discovers the joy of cycling, it seemed as if nation's army of bike bloggers were a bit busy to be their normal prolific selves. Still, maybe this is the start of a real revolution?

Reflections on a Research Project


Rachel Aldred, one of the researchers behind the Cycling Cultures report (which we covered last month), talks about the background to the project and how it got started:

The Great Big Consultation Exercise Bike Blog Roundup

Readers? What were you planning this week? Well, drop everything because you've some consultations to be contributing to instead. Cycle in Edinburgh? Then have your say on the future of Leith Walk - and have a look what came out on top when Greener Leith asked 450 people what should be done there.

The Great Big Summer Washout Bike Blog Roundup

As the wettest June ever shades into what's shaping up to be the wettest July, Downfader tries to convince us all that rain doesn't matter to cyclists - although it hasn't done these cycle paths much good.

The Great Big Going Global Bike Blog Roundup

This week, Velo-City 2012 seemed to take over the twittersphere with an endless stream of interesting and inspiring stuff, getting off right away with a keynote by Gil Penalosa urging cities not to bother with half-hearted infrastructure, while the ECF took its message to the very top.

Cycling Cultures

The Cycling Cultures project has been studying cycling cultures in four English cities. Sam Smith was there to see authors Rachel Aldred and Kat Jungnickel present the final report.


A trip by bicycle into South Gloucestershire

Following Claire Prospert's excellent report on her visit to Assen and Gronigen on a David Hembrow Study Tour, we thought we'd bring you down to earth with a report of the Cycling Embassy's own trip into South Gloucestershire during their AGM weekend in Bath and Bristol.

This is no Netherlands. Heading north-east from Bristol city centre, you quickly enter a cycling wasteland, where the streetscape is entirely designed around the private motor vehicle.

The Great Big Tax Dodging* Bike Blog Roundup

Oh okay, there's really nothing about tax dodging* this week but we like to be topical here in our secret tax* haven at the Cycling Embassy. So, having got you in here on false pretences, how about some interesting research instead, like the final report of the Cycling Cultures study of the least bad cycling areas in the UK?

Love the Netherlands, Go Newcastle!

Claire Prospert of Newcastle Cycling attended the latest Hembrow Study Tour of Assen and Groningen. In order to whet your appetite for the next one, here's what she found:

Assen 09.05.12 (18)


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