CEoGB Blog

The Great Big Will Nobody Think of the Children Bike Blog Roundup

It was bike week last week - did you notice? - which meant lots of encouragement to get kids cycling to school, among other things.

The Great Big What I Did in My Holidays Bike Blog Roundup

With summer approaching, it seems like half the bike bloggers were visiting somewhere else and reporting on what they had found.

Going Native in the Netherlands

Anna Holligan is the BBC’s correspondent in The Hague. She usually reports the events in the International Criminal Court, and broader Dutch events, but is occasionally seen on a bicycle in some of her reports.

The Great Big Naked (Bike Ride) Bike Blog Roundup

Did you miss it? Yes, the sun came out this weekend and so did the naked cyclists (at least nobody will complain about them wearing hi vis) - Bike Portland answers (some of) your questions about the event.

An Embassy Safari - Newcastle to Gosforth

The highlight of the Cycling Embassy's weekend in Newcastle - for me at least - was our ride due north out of the city to Gosforth. Our guide was Sustrans' Tom Bailey, who talked us through the proposal to construct a route, suitable for all types of cyclist - fast, slow, young, old - directly in and out of the city centre.

The great big Going Dutch, but not really, bike blog roundup

Such is the frantic pace of events in the cycling world at the moment, it seems like Pedal on Parliament was an age ago, instead of in the middle of the May.

The Great Big Tweet and Run Bike Blog Roundup

OK, so we had hoped that the big story this week would be 4000 people asking for change in Edinburgh - but it turned out to be one silly girl on twitter who allegedly knocked a cyclist off his bike in a protest

Round-up On Parliament

The biggest story of the week has to be the second outing for Pedal on Parliament (POP2) with Scotland's cyclists descending en masse to Holyrood demanding a fair piece of the transport pie.

The Great Big Just Get out on your Bike Bike Blog Roundup

It's May and, allegedly, spring and the time when bike events of all kinds start to hot up. Starting this weekend with Pedal on Parliament in Edinburgh which will gather cyclists from across Scotland and should be bigger and better this year.

The Great Big Where do you Rank? Bike Blog Roundup

This seemed to be the week for announcing cycle-friendly rankings with both the Copenhagenize Index of cities and the US bike friendly state rankings being announced.


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