DCE, the Dutch Ambassy in Riga, Latvia, and the Riga City Council organized a Cycling Webinar to Inspire.
June 3rd is the fifth annual "World Bicycle Day". To celebrate, we're hosting a social media campaign!
Dutch Cycling Embassy travels to Lyon to explore opportunities for their network in the French city.
A delegation from South Dublin County joint a two-day study visit organized by the Dutch Cycling Embassy.
DCE teams with Windsor Law Centre for Cities to bring cycling expertise to the Southern Ontario region.
Dutch Cycling Embassy contributes to Handshake Project visit for delegations from the Cities of Rome and Turin.
On May 16th, the Dutch Cycling Embassy hosted a group of students from the University of South Carolina.
A mixed group of mayors and civil servants from all over Hungary visited the Netherlands on early May 2022.
In April, the Dutch Cycling Embassy hosted a ThinkBike Workshop for the City of Tirana, Albania.
Dutch Cycling Embassy, BYCS, Goudappel, and Decisio participates in the first PAVE' Festival in Venice, Italy.
Dutch Cycling Embassy participates (virtually) in the 2022 BikeTexas Trails and Active Transportation Conference.
On April 14th, the Dutch Cycling Embassy hosted a group of students from Sciences Po Bordeaux University.
Dutch Cycling Embassy provides team of public and private experts to work with the Channel Island of Jersey.
Dutch Cycling Embassy joins large delegation from the Netherlands at VELOBerlin event from 7-10 April, 2022.
Dutch Cycling Embassy hosts study visit from the Deutsche Bahn focused on the bike-train combination.
DCE participates (virtually) in event about boosting cycling activity hosted by the Public Policy Exchange.
The Dutch Cycling Embassy provided a study trip for a delegation from Colombia.
Dutch Cycling Embassy leads bicycle tour of The Hague for 24 young Dutch and British diplomats in training.
DCE offers insights into the impact of COVID-19 on the streets of Rotterdam, Milan, and Manila at Intertraffic.
The Dutch Cycling Embassy provided a study trip for a delegation from Denmark.